Computers: We have public access computers free to use inside the library. Free WiFi access is available for those who wish to use their laptops or hand-held devices during or after business hours (24/7). Printing can be done wirelessly from your devices. We will assist you. Please note that the open WiFi connection is not secure. Access by logging onto HomeworkHub or SSBML Public WiFi (open wifi). Kindles: We have ChromeBooks and Kindle Fires (Adults & Children's Fires) available for borrowing. Please inquire within. Digital Player with Audiobooks: We have a player available for borrowing as well as two cassettes with up to five (5) books on each. This service is available for those who may have difficulty reading even large print books. More information is available upon request. Printers/Fax: Two printers (one wireless) can be used by public computers, laptops or handheld devices. (B/W copies @ .25 and color copies @ .50. Full photograph copies are $1.00 each). Faxes can be sent @ $1.00/pg and received @ .50/pg. Please note the changes to these services beginning January 1, 2024. Three printers (two wireless) can be used by public computers, laptops or handheld devices. B/W copies @ .50 and color copies @ $1.00 Scanned or copied. Full color copies will be charged at $1.50 scanned or copied. Faxes can be sent @ $2.00/page and $1.50 for each page after and received @ $1.00/page. InterLibrary Loan Program: Books, periodicals and audio books which are not in the library's collection can often be borrowed from other libraries through our ILL program. Be sure to ask about this important service. Our staff and/or volunteers will be happy to assist you and do all we can to find the material for you. Local History Room: We have a collection of local history materials, including obituaries, cemetery records, and local newspapers, dating back many years. Due to our limited staff, we are unable to do extensive genealogical research, but anyone is welcome to research on their own during regular operational hours. |